Updated — Whiteboard Video Series: Kentucky Medicaid Managed Care
Our new whiteboard video series explains the basics and benefits of managed care for Kentucky.
What is Kentucky Medicaid?
A State-Federal program that provides health coverage to vulnerable populations. With a proactive focus on preventive care & other health services, KY managed care plans improve outcomes & lower costs for taxpayers.
What is Medicaid Managed Care?
With more than $1 billion in savings in 2019 alone and high patient satisfaction ratings, Kentucky's Medicaid Managed Care program brings the private sector's innovation to public programs. It's the right model for Kentucky.
How Does Kentucky Medicaid Mangaged Care Work?
Health plans improve patient care & the Social Determinants of Health, while assuming all of the financial risk for the Commonwealth. Kentuckians receive expert care coordination that leads to happier, healthier lives.
The History of Kentucky Managed Care
A little over a decade ago, Kentucky avoided devastating cuts to services for at-risk Kentuckians and a 30% reimbursement reduction for providers by successfully making a pivot to Medicaid managed care. That's the history of Medicaid managed care: a Kentucky success story.
What Are the Social Determinants of Health & How Are Kentucky Medicaid Managed Care Plans Addressing Them?
Non-medical factors greatly influence the health of Kentucky’s Medicaid population. Managed care organizations are improving the Social Determinants of Health through innovative partnerships with hyperlocal organizations.
How Do Kentucky Medicaid Managed Care Plans Incentivize Health?
Kentucky Medicaid managed care plans are in private competition to innovate, attract members, and raise national health metrics. Plans incentivize healthy behaviors within the Medicaid population through a host of rewards for accessing healthcare services as well as offering members great benefits.